Bill McKay's Latest Recumbent Project - 2/2009
Bill has completed his most recent and perhaps last
recumbent... He says he wants to spend more time riding, rather than
building. Here is what he had to say about this new recumbent:
"I wanted this one to be a rider from the start with
no trial and error, so I sent for a set of Bentech plans and used their
dimensions for wheel base, seat height, BB location and trail. Then I
let my imagination run wild. I finished it last spring (08) and liked
the ride so well, that I rode it last summer half in primer and half
bare metal. Over the winter I made a few modifications and painted it.
It has a lot of features from my other bents, however one new addition
is a sound system. I used a laptop speaker amplifier from Radio Shack
and fed it with a Walkman radio / cassette player."
I asked Bill for some more details on
this bike and here is his reply:
"- USS: I really like under seat steering. I got into bents because
my diamond bike gave me sore wrists, back, and butt. It didn't seem that
having my arms out in front of me was going to solve the wrist problem.
I rode two bents with OSS and after two or three miles I could feel my
arms getting tired. The problem with USS is that at first it feels less
safe than OSS, But it doesn't take long to get over that feeling. When
someone says ," You look so comfortable riding that bike." I tell them
it's like sitting in my lazy boy chair watching TV. Be sure the handle
bars are positioned where your relaxed hands hang down.
- Mast: The mast was first installed to accommodate the mirror because I
could not figure out a place to install it on a USS bent. I tried an eye
glass clip on and hated it. The flag, speedometer, and push handle
holder were later additions. It does not obstruct my vision, in fact I
don't even notice it any more. It does vibrate a bit and I went from 1/2
to 3/4 EMT as well as a little brace on this bent because of it. The
vibration does not hinder the use of the mirror. One other plus is it
makes balancing and holding the bent while getting on and off much
- Racks: The luggage racks, one for tools and one for cold drinks, are
old style rubber maid coolers that I picked up at thrift stores and flea
markets. I actually have eight of them, painted to match my different
bents. When the coolers are removed, the holders fold up vertical for
- Speed: Last summer I rode it as a 15 speed, but came to realize that
all my riding is on rails to trails and that I rode 99% of the time in
the same gear. Even starting out because I would forget to shift down
when I stopped. So I removed the front shifter and small front sprocket.
Now I'll ride on the big front sprocket and if I need a lower gear I'll
just stop and move the chain by hand. I use paraphene wax on my chain so
dirt is no problem. So the answer is the bent is a 5 speed, However if I
was going to ride on the road I would keep the 15 speeds."
4/2007 - Bill McKay has come up with another
eye catching design. I mean, check out those cool
retro fenders! Here's what Bill had to say about this bike...
"Here are some pictures and data on my latest
bent. A lot of the features are the same as the Yellow
Bent I sent you on March of 06.
"It is 8.5 feet long and separates in front of
the mirror post for transporting. The steering is via two rods
with a pivot in the center. The front rod separates from the
fork with a wing nut. The fenders are fiberglass and I may have
lost my head on them. But I can always trim and repaint. The
start out and low speed balance is outstanding. The 26 inch
wheels ride so much better than the smaller wheels that I used
on my previous Bents."


Back in March of 2003 Bill
McKay sent along these photos of his unique recumbent - his fifth!
Read his comments below where he lists some of the features of this

"Here are some pictures of the bent I just finished. I
rode it last year in primer, made some modifications and painted it over
winter and am waiting for the weather to break. This is my 5th bent and
the best riding so far. I am 70 and do all my riding on rails to trails.
Most of them are Sandstone.
"The bike has 1 1/4 inches of neg. trail or caster. Several years ago
someone in a Bent Forum said this may be a good thing and should be
investigated, I finally got around to building one and he was right. It
can be steered with your finger tips.
"Some other features:
- The stand is loose, it stores under the mirror post brace when riding
and if the bike has to be pushed any distance, it fits down into the
fork tube.
- I put both brakes on the rear wheel because it simplifies the front of
the bike and two wheel braking is not needed where I ride. I made
adjustable mechanical stops for the brake arms. (No more brake dragging)
and also have high intensity LED brake lights.
- It has a jack shaft with two sprockets that gives the 20 inch wheel a
higher ratio than a 52/14 26 inch wheel.
- Steering is by two cables.
- The horn is a Radio Shack alert. It and the battery are mounted under
the seat. The button is in the end of the handle grip.
- Mirrors on a USS Bent are always a problem so I put mine up high.
- I have a basket that hooks on the back of the seat that is not in the
- One cooler is for drinks, the other for tools. Their holders fold up
when transporting the bike.
- As you can see, the bike is heavy. It weighs in at 52 lbs. I have
found very little difference between light and heavy bikes on the rail
trails. Its all about exercise any way."
Bill McKay

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