Playing music, carving
wood, dancing, gardening, building, writing -- we do
what we enjoy, and enjoy what we do. Life is so full and
we appreciate all it gives us, opportunities and
challenges alike. We are never bored, often happy --
learning, loving, living, laughing. Do we have downs as
well as ups? Of course! How boring it would be if it
were not so. But the dips help us decide what it is we
want, and what we want changes as we continue to grow.
We are now in our 70's and
looking forward to where we will be next year, and the
year after, and the next ... But it is this moment we
relish most and we're happy to share some of our moments
with you. We are as drawn to the artwork of the spider
and the incredible beauty of fresh fallen snow in the
trees as we are with the technology that allows us to
connect with so many of
you. What a fascinating world we live as part of.
We welcome you into our
lives via our website. May you have a good time while
here, and leave with inspiration and a smile.
To comment,
ask questions, or just say Hi - click here: Contact
We enjoy hearing from our friends, whether we
have met you yet or not.
Web Site created by Steve Schmeck and Sue
Robishaw. All content copyright
© by Stephen Schmeck and
Susan Robishaw. Should you want to use one
or part of the articles from our website in a non-profit
publication or website of your own (or one that you
write for) we simply ask that you give proper credit and
link (i.e., "article by Sue Robishaw/Steve Schmeck from
www.ManyTracks.com") and we'd like to know where it is
used. Please don't edit our words. And if you will be
making money from the use of our writing check with us
first and we'll work out an agreeable arrangement.
your dominant intent is to feel joy while you are doing
the work, your triad of intentions—freedom, growth and
joy—will come quickly and easily into alignment.
" -- Abraham