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ManyTracks Sewing and Knitting
Sewing Tools
How-to ~ Ideas
~ Inspiration A good collection of quality and handy tools can make your sewing projects sing and the sewer hum with joy. |
Some tools are pricey, some are free, but what counts is if they make you happy to use them. When I finally got serious about replacing old and no longer adequate tools I spent a fair amount of time researching, reading reviews, coming up with my wants, making lists of my choices. It was fun and I learned a lot just reading others experiences with various items. Over time, and thanks to many thoughtful family gifts, and some good timing with sales, my sewing tools were upgraded and I've never looked back. Some are common, some not so. But whether purchased new, refurbished, or gathered from other areas on the homestead, they have made my sewing life easier and more enjoyable. There's a special joy in using a really good tool.
For quite awhile I used a miscellaneous collection of french curves and drawing templates from Steve's college days. They're handy for small work but when I discovered the large Dritz Styling Design Ruler (large french curve) that became my most common pattern drafting tool. I know, it's common and been around but here is an old school sewer who has never watched a TV sewing show, wasn't even aware of any online sewing blogs or sites, had never considered buying a sewing book, and a regular inexpensive school ruler and household yardstick was the only 'drafting tools' you had used. One sewed by sitting down and sewing like you always had. What a leap I took into the future! Which is pretty funny considering how high tech some other parts of our lives are. I would someday like to get a higher quality large french curve with finer and more accurate markings. Meantime the common Dritz does the job.
Possibly less common in the sewing room is a compass and it is really a handy tool. I used various light-weight models from the two drafting kits Steve has and while they did the job you didn't have much of a choice for marking - usually just a pencil lead which was hard to see, and they tended to drift. They weren't made for large projects on heavy paper. Then I realized we had a real nice older compass in the shop that allowed the use of a regular pencil or pen, though Steve had to adjust the holder to use a fine marker which is a bit larger diameter. We share this tool. I've since found a variety of adaptable compasses are available so you should be able to find one to suit you. A quality compass with an easy to work adjustment screw is important. But even more important is a compass that will stay put once adjusted. You don't want to come to the end of having carefully drawn a seam allowance all around your pattern or fabric to find out the compass width had drifted from start to finish.
For cutting I use a simple Olfa rotary cutter. I find this easier than scissors since I don't have to move the pattern to cut. This is our 'shop' cutter - not my good sewing rotary cutter, and never the two shall be substituted for the other! Same for scissors. When I'm all done fitting/fussing/finagling my pattern to my satisfaction (after I've made, worn, washed the new article) I recut the pattern out of a new piece of brown paper, also a nice 'tool', making sure to transfer important notes I've made on the original. I often save the old original for a while till I'm sure the new pattern works, in case I need to go back to see what I did where. Then again, if I've fussed overly long I might not as I don't want to be reminded of how long it took me to come up with the final pattern! A final typed page of notes made when making the article completes the pattern, folded, clipped together and stored in a desk tray stack. Cutting - My first, oldest (more than 50 years likely) sewing shears are still in use - in the shop, where they belong. My second oldest, probably 30 years old, are there also and much appreciated as a better quality scissor than one usually finds in a shop setting. And they did great duty to the best of their ability for many, many projects over those many years. That second pair migration came when I received a new pair of Gingher Dressmaking shears for Christmas. Oh my, I didn't know scissors could cut so smoothly! They don't get used often but when they're in my hand I marvel at this well made high quality tool and thoroughly enjoy the experience. It takes fabric cutting to a new level.
For everyday sewing use though the most used scissors is a pair of small Fiskars that this same sister-in-law gave me as a Christmas present almost 40 years ago. I well remember getting them! And the day. Happy memories. These little companions have been by the sewing machine since, snipping miles and miles of thread and little cutting jobs. I expect they'll be around when we're not (as will the above scissors), snipping thread for some new young or old sewer. That's a happy thought. Then there is the rotary cutter. When I embarked on my newest journey of upgrading my sewing skills and tools there was this new-to-me tool that it appeared was everyday common to a very high percentage of sewers. When did that happen? It had simply passed me by. Actually, the tool wasn't unknown to me. Years ago Steve had bought a straight 28mm Olfa Rotary Cutter. I'm not sure where he discovered the tool but he needed something to cut a precise pattern out of leather for a woodworking piece he was working on. It worked good for his use and we both had used it off and on, mostly for leather (much better results than with scissors), using a scrap board underneath, same as we did for cutting something with a knife. But it was a shop tool; I'd never considered it as a sewing tool. I read up on them (there was plenty) and got an Olfa 45mm Deluxe Handle Rotary Cutter and a Fiskars mat for the table. On sale at Joann's it wasn't a big investment but I also wasn't too sure I'd use it. After all, sixty years of using scissors for cutting fabric had served me well. And an accomplished seamstress friend who does a lot more sewing than I do didn't have or use a rotary cutter. But that smaller shop cutter worked great for leather, maybe this one would be OK for fabric. Well, I'm sure anyone who has been using a rotary cutter will find all that pretty funny. I do, too, now. The kitchen table is my sewing area and the large cutting mat is on it almost all the time (we have a separate dining table where we eat mostly - the kitchen table is more often a work table). We bought a small mat for the shop which is handy (and can be added to the larger mat for a longer project). The rotary cutter is used for almost all sewing projects. It's not the 'last forever' type of tool like the above scissors but it's held up well and gets used a lot. I like it, plain and simple. I particularly appreciate it when cutting slippery or light material. It's a tool that has upped the quality and preciseness of my cutting. The large 45 cutter is the fabric tool - it's in the sewing chest; the medium 28 in the shop is used for paper, leather, and various other jobs. We also have one of those little 18mm cutters that hasn't been used for anything. It's a very sharp tool so demands the respect and care one gives any sharp tool, of course. But we're well used to sharp tools. Other Miscellaneous Tools - When I started this page I didn't think it would take long or have much content. Hah! Sewing is very much about tools. And good ones can make sewing life easier and more fun. And there's no reason to sew if it's isn't fun and satisfying (which hasn't anything to do with challenging/frustrating/mind-boggling/hair-raising/how-do-I-get-myself-out-of-this-sewing-mess-I've-made? moments) (if it was slip in-out easy we probably wouldn't do it!).
Then there is that little tool in front. Technically I suppose it should be in the Cutting area. Or in the 'most used' section. Or maybe the most overlooked, underrated, maybe least cared for, but most important of tools. The seam riper. Now some sewers may not use this tool much (but I seriously doubt it!). Like so many of my tools I had several old ones, been around for ages, inexpensive, knocking around in the drawer, not thought of much though used a lot. When early on discussing my "new tools" quest with my sewing friend she said, without hesitation - a new seam ripper. That's the most important tool you need, get a good one. Well, that wasn't at the top of my list, not very exciting really. But I did go buy a new one (Clover) - she was right. I kept the best of the old ones for rough projects, but I always go for the new one. As with so many tools, quality is worth it. A few days ago Steve was at one end of the table removing bits and pieces from his backpacking pack (striving for even lighter weight), and I was at the other working on getting my newly made leggings to fit. We passed the seam ripper back and forth, back and forth. We really should get another.
My favorite weights are some Steve found in a thrift store many years ago. Smooth metal, they're from a small bar-bell set. They're heavy and feel good in the hand. They get used a lot. Recently I made use of some other weights we had on hand (when working on a 'muslin' for lycra leggings and really didn't want the pattern paper to move). These are also thrift store purchases - arm or ankle weights - and they seem to be fairly common in the used world. They worked well for this purpose because they aren't slippery but are a nice weight. [I had to borrow these from my music stand bag. In the summer we play music at the Farmers Market in Manistique which is on Lake Michigan. It's a rare day that it's not windy, so I wrap these around the bottom of my sturdy music stand to help keep it from blowing over. Steve also has some he keeps in the shop for various uses. They're a handy tool.]
Pins - In my occasional reading
on sewing matters I'd come across reference to silk pins, and
the recommendation to buy new pins, and needles, often which I
skipped over as a marketing comment. After all, I had ever only
replaced a sewing machine needle when I broke one and hadn't
noticed any problems. I had pins, they worked, they were of no
special brand or label, had pretty colored ball ends and I'd had
them for...well, many, many years. But when I came to sewing
light weight synthetics I did notice they were not as smooth as
one would hope, and maybe a bit clunky. I decided to look into
possibly getting new pins. Gone were the times when you just
went down to the local Dime Store and bought whatever they
offered. I started searching online -- what a mess of choices!
So I searched for recommendations from some reliable "real"
sewing websites and put together my order. If I was going to do
it I was going to go the whole way. Out went my sturdy old pins.
In came:
#1 - Clover Fine Patchwork, yellow & turquoise glass headed
pins. Wow! What a revelation. Sharp, sharp, ouch-sharp, smooth,
silky -- wonderfully nice for fine and medium, and even some
heavier fabrics. They are now my main pin. Yes, they do bend
easily. If I come up with a bent pin or one that even hints at
snagging I throw it out. There is no reason to suffer with a
poor pin (I tell myself now), one has enough to contend with in
most sewing projects. They just aren't that expensive. I also
like having the two colors heads.
#2 - Clover Silk Pins, oddly named, opaque white and red glass headed pins, sturdier than the above. Also very nice and they come into use when the job is too tough for the Fine pins. I find I don't use them as often as I thought I would. #3 - Clover Fine Quilting pins, long, fine, smooth, sharp, great when you need a longer pin, a little sturdier than the regular length Fine Patchwork pins. I used them for my most recent window quilt projects and appreciated the quality. They come in handy occasionally in regular sewing projects, too. #4 - Clover Appliqué, opaque white glass heads, short sturdy little pins. I'm not sure why I bought these, I think I just got carried away with the pin brigade. Turns out they really are too short for me, and I don't do any appliqué work anyway. I need to give these to sewing friends who do. #5 - Common Dritz multi-colored work-horse pins from the local "dime" store. Since I'd thrown out my old clunkers I figured I better get something similar so no one would be tempted to use the good pins for projects they shouldn't be used for. Someday I'll get tired of storing them and put them in the thrift store box. Might be good for crafts or something.
They're simple to make and a great shop project. Here's a link to some instructions so you can make your own: Mini-bench. If you do, let me know how it turns out! Now one downside to using a riser from the shop is that they may both be in use. We have two, but LilliBulero, our resident feline, decided early on in her life with us that the one with the largest top was her choice for favorite lounging. It was on the center workbench by the window when she chose, and it's been there since. She can easily keep an eye on things both inside and outside, and be right there at hand should a human want to pet the cat (or rather The Cat) as they go by. Over time the riser ended up with several layers of towels and comfy fleece, a few toys (wood curls are her favorite), and a respectable amount of cat hair. Steve does use it, moving what needs to be moved, but any such use is apt to have a cat jump up into the middle of the project. She does like to be involved.
Copyright by Susan Robishaw |
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