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Four decades of Growing
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Welcome to my online
garden! I can't take you into my garden in person but I'll do my best via online
bytes. Gardening is as much fun
now as it was when I started over forty years ago. I am a new
gardener every time I step through the gate and onto the mulch; it is always a
wonder. As a long-time organic gardener, I enjoy
a cooperative and simple approach to growing food. I garden because it is my
passion; it is also our food. |
What a growing season. After the spring drought and a few late frosts and freezes it continued on unusually hot with enough rain to keep things growing. And they did grow! With no frost until mid October there was no concern about crops maturing, even tomatoes. The big comments at the Farmers Markets in July was how tall everyone's corn was, and the crop came early. My winter squash was so enthusiastic I spent the fall giving away squash to anyone who would take it. Everyone had a lot of squash this year. In spite of the late onset of frost the fall was fairly "normal" with the usual variable weather which was nice, and comfortable.
21, 2021 --
Happy Solstice Rain!! A full ONE INCH of rain last night! What a beautiful sound and a beautiful wet world this morning. With only a little more than an inch total over the past seven weeks this is a big boost. With more rain forecasted for the coming week there are a lot of relieved plants, trees, people, animals, insects, etc. around these parts. There's even a chance the clouds might hang around enough to keep the frost at bay tonight. That would be very nice! But I'll still cover unless the chances sound a whole lot better later today. With very strong NW winds (which makes covering a bit of a game) and gale warnings on both Superior and Michigan, it's a wild "bundle up" kind of day out there. It looks like a good day to get caught up on indoor projects. Welcome to summer! |
June 19, 2021 -- Spring or Summer? As I look at the calendar to the coming official start of summer in a few days I can't help but wonder just what the coming season is going to be like. Since spring brought us temperatures from the low 80's to the low 20's (and that roller-coaster continues), with little to no rain -- it's been interesting to say the least! But for the most part the green growing things are doing their best to stay green, and I've hauled more buckets of water than I've ever hauled. Thankfully, we've had enough good pumping days to keep our water tank re-supplied.
While I've been weeding and watering (and watering and watering) Steve cut, raked, and hauled a good supply of hay -- short this year but so appreciated. So now I'm spreading hay on the garden to keep what moisture we have in the ground for the plants. They're predicting a decent rain for the U.P. tomorrow night and there's hope it will include us this time. And the hay comes in handy for covering plants. With everything growing well and early (thanks to our unusually mild winter and warm spring) the blanket supply is hard pressed to cover everything during these late frosts/freezes we're having. They say another one is coming in a few nights but it would be quite OK with me if they are wrong. I'll cover anyway, just in case. The spring heat and the drought are quite unusual for us here but the frosts are very familiar. But there has been generous pickings of lettuce and spinach coming out of the garden, and green tomatoes on the small cherry tomato plants. Those early strawberries (an old variety that keeps it's berries close to the ground for warmth) have been a great treat, both on the table and in our breakfast sauce. A second variety is ripening now (I have four varieties, more or less ripening in succession). It had a harder time with the real low temps, even covered, since it's a modern variety that sets its fruit high on the plant, easy to pick but all too well exposed to the frosts (and the birds!). But it's a nice berry and I'm glad it's coming through with at least a partial crop.
It's a constant stream of Firsts and Welcome Back's this time of year - birds, plants, bugs, weather - an exciting time of year. Every moment is new, a lot of fun. And the first asparagus shoots are a very welcome and delicious return. This year they've been able to grow without the usual late spring freeze since our last cold night was May 12 (22 degrees) and with this ongoing very warm weather we're now getting I don't expect another. Grow on asparagus!
May 10, 2021 -- Appreciating Windbreaks We've had a stretch of pretty strong north winds but if one finds a place out of the wind it can be almost warm. A few of the plants from the greenhouse have ventured outside to start getting used to the outdoor environment, while their less hardy friends stay inside because they don't think upper 40's is that warm. But those days are coming and soon they'll all be out basking in the fresh air. Meantime the brave early ones find it quite cozy on the south side of the wood shed where they can ignore that north wind.
The plants aren't the only ones to appreciate a nice wind-break. Lilli found herself a nice new spot to sit and survey her kingdom. She sat there like that for quite some time before deciding all was well and she might as well head on in for her afternoon siesta. Or maybe she just needed a break from all that intense spring green.
September 18, 2020 - First Hard Freeze of the Season Night before last there was mention of scattered frost, which meant frost for sure in our frost-pocket little valley. It wasn't the first we'd had this month so the blankets were ready at hand and the necessary plants covered. It got down to 29 in the orchard, and would be warmer in the garden near the still warm ground. All was well. But yesterday they got a little more serious about it - Widespread Freeze - with possible 20's hinted. And a red warning box on the NOAA forecast page. That wasn't really necessary - if you'd lived here long enough you could feel it - but I certainly took them seriously. As usual I'd hoped for a few more growing weeks since, as is often the case, it's supposed to warm back up after this cold spell. But not to be, so yesterday, while Steve went out to cut firewood, I harvested. And they were right - it got down to 24 degrees out in the open. Cold enough! A really nice full sweet pepper crop with many ripe, red peppers filled up their spot along two walls of the root cellar, plants with their fruit hung where the under-ripe peppers will continue to ripen and keep surprisingly fresh for quite awhile. A small basket of cherry tomatoes at various stages of ripe will brighten our salads for many weeks to come. The grapes had done their best in spite of buds being frozen twice in the spring, with a small crop with enough ripe for a batch of juice. If there had been more I would have covered them but instead I harvested. NEXT year I'll remember to cover them in the spring so they can get that needed extra long growing season. Grapes are an iffy crop here but I keep trying.
Of course, though the garden looks pretty wilted and done-in today, there is still much out there - potatoes and carrots, parsley, spinach and lettuce to move into the greenhouse when the cold really sets in. Meantime, there will be many warm days yet, and likely frosts, and the woodshed is cleaned out and ready to start filling. Autumn is a great time of year.
29, 2020 -
Summer! Summer for me begins when the garden is all planted, growing and mulched, hopefully (and usually) by the end of June. And this year the garden came through right on time; it's happily settled in for the summer, feeding us well. But the coming "hot weather of July" that we usually plan for is a bit hard to figure since we've been getting those 80's July temperatures since the end of May! A strange year indeed. It's hard to guess just what July, and the rest of summer, will bring but we intend to enjoy it all the same. The mosquitoes, black flies and ticks are easing off, stacks of firewood are drying in the field, the orchard is looking good. Steve put the final touches on his Row Cruiser and it went for its first row of the season yesterday, along with my kayak, for a beautiful evening on the water. Other spring chores are finished so we're changing gears, planning to do some major work on the house and spending more time on the water. I think we're ready for July. We're ready for summer. June 15, 2020 - A Bit of Cool, a Lot of Sunshine
Garden Barrier #2 - August 10, 2017
Years ago I had a patch of rhubarb growing behind the compost bins between
them and the yard. It did a great job of keeping the grass back by heavily
mulching that space with their large, thick leaves. I figured rhubarb had to
be the ideal barrier plant but I really didn't want THAT much rhubarb.
Surely there were other plants that would do, so the idea of a border
barrier bed grew. I researched possibilities, imagined outcomes, made lists,
bought a few plants but mostly ended up using what I had. One of the most
challenging areas was along the asparagus bed which is along the east side
of the garden. The grass and sorrel loved to make their way into that
fertile soil and it was hard to get out. So I made a new adjacent bed,
taking some of the asparagus space (there was more than we needed)
(asparagus does not give up its space easily I soon found!) along with the
current path, digging, raking, weeding, reconfiguring the space to suit me -
6 feet wide, half of the width for the asparagus, half for the new bed - so
I can easily reach across to care for both from their respective sides - 45
ft long. GARDEN - Looking Forward - January 7, 2017
I’ve been swimming in a sea full of ideas for the orchard, adding diversity,
looking for understory ideas for the fruit trees, growing towards what some
are calling nowadays a “forest garden”. And I realized I could easily do
more of that in my vegetable garden. The two aren’t really separate, the
roughly 50 x 80 ft vegetable plot being in the middle of the orchard, with
berries in both, but on paper they are separate. And on paper my vegetable
plot is very organized. Some things even stay that way in the garden --
corn, squash, potatoes, tomatoes tend to be in their own 4 x 32 ft plots.
Except for those that end up elsewhere, leftovers when the main plot is
full. And mostly the other crops are in smaller blocks, one next to another.
It’s not that I don’t care for the companion planting idea, or ideal. It’s a
practical thing, that often has to do with frosts. Looking Back - 2016 GARDEN YEAR - January 5, 2017
Every year is different; that is one thing I can always depend on! And this
past year it was record warmth. I usually figure, roughly, a frost free
growing season from about the 2nd week in June till the first or second week
in September. This year we had a mild spring, with a last frost mid May,
then just one freeze June 7. Then we didn’t have another frost (freeze
actually) until October 9. In between was unusually warm with plenty of
rain. The corn and squash were beside themselves with joy and enthusiasm.
And the sunflowers turned into trees that I almost had to get out an axe to
cut down. The squash I grow is a relatively short season buttercup variety I
got from Kathleen Plunket-Black of Plum Creek Seeds, a long time and very
experienced seed saver in Arkansas WI. It’s rich, sweet and nutty, and I
usually get a reasonable crop with maybe half the fruit maturing before
frost. So I plant with that in mind. But this year not only did the vines
grow with abandon setting fruit right and left (thankfully along the edge of
the garden so they could sprawl out over the grass), every single one,
except for one half grown late specimen, fully matured. Wow, did we have
squash this year! I make a bit of squash soup but our favorite is to have
plain cooked squash with our luncheon salad, almost every day. We never tire
of it. Copyright © Susan Robishaw |
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Have you read "Frost Dancing - Tips from a Northern Gardener" ? A fun short read. or "Homesteading Adventures" Creating our backwoods homestead--the first 20 years. and "Growing Berries for Food and Fun" A journey you can use in your own garden. |