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Organic Gardening with Sue Robishaw
A Few Good Gardening Books
Four decades of Growing
Good Food
in Michigan's Upper Peninsula There are numerous books and publications and websites available to help in your seed saving and heirloom gardening. Here are a few of my favorites. Many are now out of print but they can be found in libraries and used book sources. Much of this information is timeless and as good now as then. Maybe even more welcome now! |
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How to Have a Green Thumb Without an Aching Back, by Ruth Stout, Exposition PR of Florida; and The No Work Garden Book by Ruth Stout, Rodale Press. If you find yourself fussing and worrying and getting too serious about your gardening, read Ruth Stout's books. They always bring me back to myself and the fun of growing things. Some of the best gardening advice I've ever read, too. Small Scale Grain Raising, by Gene Logsdon, Rodale Press (original version 1977). I read through this book so much it soon fell apart. I just saw that he's republished the book in a new edition. Hurray! Build it Better Yourself, by the editors of Organic Gardening and Farming, Rodale Press. Full of how-to and plans and projects. Enough to keep you busy for years. Farming for Self-Sufficiency: Independence on a 5-Acre Farm, by John Seymour, Schocken Books. One of those old (now!) standards that we read over and over with much enjoyment and inspiration. Mrs. Restino's Country Kitchen, First Edition, by Susan Restino, Quick-Fox Press. Now you've grown it, what do you do with it? This is the most down-to-earth, from the heart (and hearth!) book for garden-to-table gardeners and cooks. There's a newer addition but I like the first one best. Mine's yellowed and tattered but I still look things up now and then. Winter Flowers in Greenhouse and Sun-heated Pit, by Kathryn Taylor and Edith Gregg. Chls Scribner's Sons. Even if they don't talk much about vegetables, I gleaned more good how-to greenhouse garden from these ladies than I did from oodles of more academic tomes. Even if you don't have a greenhouse and never want to grow a flower, their style and attitude is worth it to read this one. and, of course,
Adventures, a Guide for Doers and Dreamers, by Sue Robishaw.
ManyTracks, 1997. Includes chapters on seed saving as well as gardening and
growing food. * * * * * * * "The Desert Smells Like Rain, a Naturalist in Papago Indian
Country", by Gary Paul Nabhan. "The Desert Smells Like Rain" is not a gardening book as such, and has little to do with our northern short season gardening challenges. It is about the Papago Indians, the Tohono O’odham or "Desert People" of Arizona/Mexico. It is about how they live, harvest and gather within that harsh desert country. It takes you to an area so vastly different from ours that it is hard to believe it is the same continent. Yet I found much to relate to, so much that is in many ways no different than the losses we see around us here. More poetry than how-to, but sometimes that is better. "The Gift of Good Land – Further Essays, Cultural and
Agricultural" by Wendell Berry. The most necessary thing in agriculture, for instance, is not to invent new technologies or methods, not to achieve "break-throughs", but to determine what tools and methods are appropriate to specific peoples, places, and needs, and to apply them correctly. Application (which the heroic approach ignores) is the crux, because no two farms or farmers are alike; no two fields are alike." Copyright
© Susan Robishaw |
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Have you read "Frost Dancing - Tips from a Northern Gardener" ? A fun short read. or "Homesteading Adventures" Creating our backwoods homestead--the first 20 years. and "Growing Berries for Food and Fun" A journey you can use in your own garden. |