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The ManyTracks Orchard

Southworth Pears

unknown variety from <1900, maybe Scandinavian


Grafted 2018 - #1 on usseriensis3 rootstock
#2 on Summercrisp branch

2022 grafted Savignac on top


Savignauc Pear

Zuckerbin x Clapp x Kurskaya x Flemish Beauty, Quebec 1947



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pear grafts

Southworth - Vigorous and extremely cold hardy pear. Its fruits are very tasty; similar in size, shape and flavour to Bartlett. Flesh is firm at harvest, becoming buttery as it ripens. z3 Canada. Discovered by Frank Southworth near the Great Lakes in Minnesota, first introduced for sale by Fred Ashworth in NY.1968. (Fred L. Ashworth, Pomona Oct 1969)  "Two trees of this pear were grafted by a Great Lakes skipper about 1908. They have not winter killed since (winters to -45 F during that time). Nor has it blighted; and it bears fruit almost as good as those offered in the stores. It seems to bear from its own pollen. I surmise ... (it is Finnish or Norwegian). His name I think was Benton; but the Southworths bought the place from him, and ... so I named it Southworth."

Savignac: The "round" one as grown in central WA from Bob Purvis, tree is spreading, low to medium vigor, precocious, hardy in zone 2.  Fruit ripe about Sept. 10-15 in central WA.  Sweet, juicy, size medium to large, coarse flesh, few grit cells. Good for fresh eating and preserves. Ready for harvest in Sept. and keep about 2 sks. Excellent resistance to disease.

2024 - Looking OK by a little pruning and staking-tying more upright. Some flowers but no fruit.

2022 - Good growth, lanky, willoughy branches. End May cut top tier off at ~4 ft and grafted Savignauc (from Bob Purvis) to be top of tree with Southworth bottom half.

2021 - Both #1 individual tree and #2 graft on Summercrisp healthy and good growth.

2020 - (#1) Vigorous growth, long weepy branches, pruned some & tied tree upright (was leaning). Healthy.

(#2) graft on Summercrisp also healthy, growing fine.

(#3) Grafted many scions on Stacey. Took fine but massive fireblight in tree and all succumbed thru summer. Cut tree down.

2019 - (#1) Very good growth, top & branches chest high, healthy.

2018 - (#1) - grafted to usseriensis rs#3 east orchard. Last year’s graft didn’t take so grafted to trunk this year. Grew nicely, 5" tip +5" near tip (will be leader) +2 buds. Total knee high. Healthy.

(#2) - grafted to Summercrisp shoot south. Good growth 5" +3" +2" side +2buds, healthy

(#3) - grafted to Stacey shoot south. Good growth 7" +2" side, healthy

Online Notes: Self-pollinating hardy to zone 3. A tremendously reliable producer, giving quality yields every single year. harvest mid-late Sept. Self-fertile. Tree is a strong, vigorous grower. (ars-grn) FB resist, susc leaf scab. green, rarely blushed; flesh has very little grit cells, flavor good, not as sweet as Bartlett; ripens 20-30 Sept. in New York; some fire blight resistance. Tree: medium size; upright, vigorous; extremely hardy; productive; self-fertile. Claude Joc.(quebec)-not as tasty as others but quality still quite acceptable.

Copyright © Susan Robishaw

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