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Indian Lake Pathway
Ashford Lake Pathw. |
The DNR Indian Lake Pathway hiking, bicycling, cross country skiing trail is a lightly used 4.5 mile single track trail through lightly logged Lake Superior State Forest land, near Indian Lake and the Big Spring, northwest of Manistique. |
We've passed this trailhead frequently but only once ventured down the trail for a short ways one mosquitoey summer day years ago. I recall it wasn't very clear of brush and we never went back, having better trails to walk. But the winter-of-hiking we gave it another chance. And it was quite nice, in addition to being close to home. It's a woods trail not a road trail so it is mostly one track, groomed for skiers when there is enough snow, but a nice hiking trail when there isn't. It is a sometimes brushy trail but quite passable, and having clipped millions (it seemed) ourselves of those small hardwood trees-to-be in an attempt to keep a trail clear we know how challenging that can be. |
January 4, 2022 -- Snowshoe Weather Hike day! A warm one amidst the cold, getting into the upper 20's in the afternoon, cloudy but little to no wind. After lunch we headed over to the nearby Indian Lake Pathway trail, a fairly short 4 1/2 mile trail divided into three loops with cross trails. We figured the wet Pathway Loop 1 should be well frozen by now. Our previous hikes on this trail had convinced us that frozen was the only way to comfortably walk the first section, unless it was warm and you didn't mind wet feet. But the outer higher area (Loop 3) is the gem we were looking forward to revisiting. The small parking lot was plowed and the narrow ski groomer had quite recently been through to lay tracks (and to saw out the many fallen trees blocking the trail). But beside the tracks there was a nice flat section (made by the groomer snowmachine) that we could walk/snowshoe on. How nice! It was firm enough so I opted to leave my snowshoes in the car but Steve wore his. It looked like easy walking so we could probably do the entire trail (4 1/2 miles); there should be enough time. So off we went. Well, it didn't take long to find that the real nice flat base for snowshoeing beside the ski tracks only went as far as where they parked the small groomer by the side of the trail. That track was simply the snowmachine getting there. We could have turned back but there was just enough room to walk beside the ski tracks, so we decided to continued. This trail doesn't get much use so we weren't concerned about being in the way of a skier. I had about a foot wide firm (mostly) area to walk and the trail itself was usually wide enough for room for the snowshoes. The regular snowmobile trail, recently groomed, enticingly flat and wide, crossed the Pathway several times and followed close beside often. We had thought we might walk over there but it was easy to hear that the snomo trail was in full use as machine after machine went by. We stayed on our own trail.
But we wanted to walk a bit more so we decided to head on into town to
the Boardwalk which would add another nice hour's walk, just
enough time before dark for that. On our way we checked out the nearby
Big Spring where a friend had said he had snowshoed around.
April 5, 2021 -- Re-visiting Indian Lake Pathway
When we walked the local snowmobile trail Saturday we passed by two
spots where the Indian Lake Pathway trail crosses, a reminder that we
wanted to walk that trail now that the snow was gone, and before
mosquito season, since we had guessed that the lower Loop area might be
wet. Today we had to go into Manistique so we stopped on our way home to
walk the now bare trail. It was indeed bare of snow (except for a few spots) and the low Loop 1 was indeed wet. In fact we spent as much time finding ways around the marsh and water filled low areas on the trail and surrounding grounds as we did just walking this section. As we remembered (it was only two months ago that we walked this trail in the snow) this is woods thick with young re-growth, and much easier to walk when frozen. It may dry up later in the summer but spring is a time to avoid this Loop. It would be beter to go on the snowmobile/orv two-track to where the Pathway trail crosses and just walk Loops 2 and 3.
B We looked forward to the hills and ridges of Loop 3 with its "most difficult" ZZ designation (for skiiers). A less logged, even nicer woods section it was hard to keep an eye on the rough trail while gazing at the forest. We weren't disappointed, this is a real nice trail, a beautiful forest, and some nice views down into lower valleys. It was also much easier walking without a foot or so of snow. Fun to touch base with remembered spots - where we ate lunch, where the intrepid skiier had to dismount to go over a large downed tree, then the tree across the steep down-hill. Plus a few more downed trees. The dead beeches are still falling. It seemed shorter going back down and back along Loop 3, then 2, stopping to look at the maps at the intersections even though we knew where we were. It's a well marked fairly simple, enjoyable trail. But toward the end of Loop 2 we were back to the wetlands, making our way around mini-(and not so mini) swamps, trying to keep our eye on the not very distinct this time of year trail. Most of the path looked quite different in its spring coat instead of white snow. We ended up taking the north cross path of Loop 1 without knowing it until we found ourselves on the NE leg instead of the SW leg heading back to the parking lot. The wind had picked up and was felt more in this open area, and not exactly warm yet. It was good to get back to firm and dry ground! Plus a warm car. But overall we enjoyed our afternoon re-visit to this nice local Pathway. February 1, 2021 -- Starting February with the Indian Lake Ski Trail Only 8 miles from home is a nice little 4.5 mile hiking/biking/skiing DNR trail - the Indian Lake Pathway. Since it was a beautiful, upper 20's, calm wind, partly cloudy day (also known as a hiking day), and we had need to go into Manistique, we decided to look into this trail on our way home. If it didn't look like it was worth walking we would walk on down the road to the local snowmobile trail. We knew there was a parking area at the Pathway and, thankfully, it was nicely and completely plowed. Not surprisingly, given the low amount of snow, there were more boot tracks on the trail than ski tracks so we didn't mind adding our own shoe tracks, there not being enough snow to require boots, and we prefer walking in shoes (with wool socks). There was sun-time for a couple hours walk and the map showed three consecutive loops, the longest being 4.5 miles. Just right for our walk. The trail at the trail-head end was well packed with tracks so walking was pretty easy, if a bit lumpy. And especially through the first loop there were plenty of blue trail markers and easy to read maps at the intersections so one was unlikely to get lost. But the trial crosses several snowmobile-roads and there were many well traveled animal trails criss-crossing the main trail so if you weren't paying attention, or if there had been a fresh new snowfall with no tracks, the markers would be much appreciated. As the trail went on there weren't so many, but there were enough.
As we walked on through the second loop the woods were a little thicker with some red pine plantation, and the people tracks fewer. Around the third, outer, loop we lost all but one dedicated skiier and one hiker. The terrain became hilly, interesting, and the mixed hardwoods more dense, though still with a fair number of large dead beech and young growth. It was a nice forest and the sun shining through made it even better. The deer and coyote tracks and animal trails became even more numerous.
We dug in our heels as we made our way down the other side of the high ridge and paused to step over a tree toppled across the path. That had to be a disappointment to the skiier, to have a nice, though steep, down-hill interrupted by a tree. But they obviously got over it and continued on as did we, walking beside the ski tracks when we could, making a trail for whoever might come after, often walking in the well traveled animal tracks. We had lost the lone hiker at the shortcut across loop 3 before one got to the big hill. Walking in the loose snow was a lot like walking in dry sand on the beach. It was an enjoyable walk back, a reverse of the woods types we'd encountered earlier, the sun warming us up enough to remove some layers. And then it was only a short trip home in the car which was nice.. We'll likely walk this trail again, snow allowing, and there is always the option of getting off the trail and walking the groomed Snowmobile Trail #7 which crosses the Pathway in several spots. But that will be for another day. * * * * * * Copyright
© 2021 by Susan Robishaw and Stephen Schmeck |
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* Should you want to use all or part of one of our articles in a non-profit publication, website or blog we simply ask that you give proper credit and link (such as "article by Sue Robishaw/Steve Schmeck from www.ManyTracks.com"), and we'd enjoy knowing where it is used. Thanks! We always appreciate links to our site www.ManyTracks.com from appropriate sites, and we thank you for recommending us! |
Have you read "Frost Dancing - Tips from a Northern Gardener"? A fun short read. or "Homesteading Adventures" Creating our backwoods homestead--the first 20 years.
Berries for Food and Fun"
A journey you can use in your own garden. |