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Rapid River
Seventeen miles of trail loops for skiing and hiking, winding through a diverse but mostly coniferous Hiawatha National Forest woods. A very popular cross country ski destination but also nice hiking. Delta County Nonmotorized Trails organization maintains a Facebook page with updated conditions in the winter, and other activities: www.facebook.com/DCNTrails/. Hiawatha National Forest also has a Facebook page for snow conditions at RRST: www.facebook.com/rapidriverskitrail/ |
Ashford Lake Pathw. |
We'd heard great reviews of the Rapid River Ski trail over the years from our enthusiastic skiing friends but we didn't check it out ourselves until December 2020 when the lack of snow kept the trails open for hiking longer than usual. It turned out to be a wonderful hiking trail and we look forward to exploring more of it once the snow is gone and the skiiers turn the trails back over to the hikers. |
October 11, 2022 -- Rapid River Ski Trail Beautiful 4 hour walk! The hills and valleys as steep and fun as ever. Overcast but 60 degrees with reasonable wind. Life is good in the northwoods.
December 8, 2021 -- Checking Out the Snowshoe Trails It was a bit chilly when we headed out this morning (it had warmed up to zero by the time we left) but it was clear skies and a forecast of calm and 24 degrees later. Steve had sold one of his older fiddles (having bought a new one and running out of places to store them) and had offered to deliver it to Trenary. We wanted to get some cedar shavings from the Trenary Mill anyway (really great fire starters!). We tossed in the snowshoes with plans to check out a couple of snowshoe trails. The recent snowstorm had been pretty widespread across the U.P. so snow and snowshoeing was pretty much assured, starting from our front door. Our business completed, our first stop was the Rapid River Ski Trail. There was more snow here so not surprising the ski trails looked in great shape and recently groomed. And it had warmed up into the teens with clear sunny skies. Now, the snowshoe trails get "groomed" by the first to walk them, and that apparently was going to be us. So off we went into the soft cold snow, trading off breaking trail as we went along, aware that we were making track for whoever might come after (until there is another big snow to cover up all tracks and it all begins again). The first section is along a straight power line opening but with some light hills. Part of it also shares with the first ski loop so that was groomed. But there was room on either side of the groomed tracks to stay off of them and was a nice break from the deeper snow. Then the ski trail cut off and soon the snowshoe trail turned into a beautiful but sometimes very wet low lying woods. Thankfully it was a much drier year and enough snow cover so only the first step looked damp, then all was well. It was great to see nice new trail signs and markers since half of the snowshoe loop is also the beginner/tot ski loop. Being assured of where you are and that you are on the right path helps keep the outing fun. Plus it shows the Trail is being well maintained (kudos to Hiawatha National Forest staff and volunteers). At the top corner of the loop we came to a new sign that pointed off on a side trail that had been made through the woods down to the Rapid River Falls. How nice! It's more river than falls this time of year but it was flowing beautiful and musical, and a real nice addition to the fairly short snowshoe loop.
Around to cross the A Loop of the ski trail we continued on the snow covered two-track section, straight and true right down the middle since this is part of the Tot Loop here and we wanted to make a nice track for Tots of all ages. Back at the parking lot, well short of an hour, we brushed off the snowshoes and put them back in the car alongside the bale of aromatic cedar shavings. It was a short but sweet walk (helped along by some Trenary Raisin Cinnamon bread!). Now on to check out the Days River Snowshoe Trail and the nearby Snowmobile Trail (see those pages for reports). ... Our legs could feel the combined walks of the day, the longest yet on snowshoes and in soft snow this season ... but we were happy to be out on such a nice day. We knew that the coming forecast of above freezing temperatures and chance of rain would likely keep us off the trails for awhile. Back at the garage we finished our snowshoeing adventures for the day, with the final 1/2 mile walk down the hill and through our extremely beautiful woods (in our opinion!) with enough light in the sky and a bright quarter moon to guide us along our well packed trail. LilliB wasn't even concerned about it being a little past dinner time, and the temperature was 5 degrees warmer than when we'd left in the cold this morning. Another beautiful day. November 1, 2021 -- Returning to the Rapid River Cross Country Ski Trails The significant ups and downs of the Rapid River Trail was a perfect match to the significant ups and downs of November weather, and a perfect start to the month, revisiting these fun trails in a much dryer season than our last visit. It was cool and breezy but we packed our hot drinks and hot lunch (getting our little Funtainers thermoses out for the new hiking season) and as soon as it warmed up a bit we headed out for the day.
As we expected, it was much drier than our previous hikes (it had been a particularly dry summer/early fall) and there was no standing water in the bogs. But we didn't have any trouble recognizing the bog pond at the bottom of steep sandy Geronimo Hill that we had wetly traversed last spring. Though the bog was dry the former pond across the trail was still damp enough to warrant careful walking along the edge. At the south section we decided to go the longer D route this time instead of S2. But some of the D parts were fenced off (as they were the last time we were here). We walked around one barrier to find out why -- it went down into a marshy spot that even now was wet. OK. Back we went to take the S2 alternate, missing out on 'Holy Wah!' but getting to experience 'Yahoo!'. They have a good time naming the steepest hills! Back on D we got to do the most southerly 'Popple Ridge' section, and it was a shining big gem of a highlight on an already incredible series of high end hiking. A very high beautiful ridge walk that gives view across the wide (Rapid River?) valley to the cliffs of Stonington Peninsula. And an appropriately placed bench to rest with the vista. Wow. But we were only half way around so off we went to continue our hike up the east side of the loops.
As we came off of the ridge we were surprised to see a beautiful expanse of dry marsh down in the valley that looked to be full of soft flowering plants. Turns out they were mature blossoms ready (I'm guessing) to send their seeds out like small dandelion feathers. One of so many special views on our equally enjoyable second half. When we got back to the car, after about 3 hrs on the trail, we were happy to sit down but also happy to be feeling good. We figured we'd gone about 9 miles and that was plenty in this hilly terrain for a hike so early in the season. April 25, 2021 -- Walking the Skating Loops With a stretch of rain/snow/sleet days forecast (you have to love the diversity of spring weather!) today was the last day to get in a hike before those indoor days started. We'd had a number of decent outdoor homestead work days which felt good so were in the mood to take the day off for a hike. The whole Bruno's Run trail had been in our minds but when the day arrived with temps in the 30's and a very brisk north wind we decided to save that for a nicer more leisurely day. When we'd been on the Rapid River Ski Trail in December it had been well wooded with wind-blocking conifers, just right for this day, so back to that trail we would go. It was sunny but still cool in the morning so we did a bit of shopping in Escanaba while the day warmed up some. It wasn't exactly warm at about 40 degrees but that was a lot warmer than our previous trip here and we now had our clothing systems pretty well worked out. The trick is to wear enough to be warm at the start (or the end if you are still out when the sun and the temperatures go down) yet have enough room in your pack to stuff in jackets, mitten, hats when it warms up. We had both sun and hill climbs to warm us and gusty north wind to keep us cool. What more could one ask for!
We had done the very nice B Loop last time so decided to check out the Ski Skating Loops this time. We knew there would be some low spots but hoped the wider skating loops might allow for easier walk-arounds. Plus it would be side-by-side walking most of the way which we enjoy. We'd had a bit of snow on the ground at home and there was some here, too, but it was minor. So we headed out on purple Easy Loop A (a nice gentle way to start and end a hike) to get to red Skating Loop S1which was in the same central section as our previous walk. The terrain was similar with beautiful conifer woods and hilly sandy high ridges amongst the bright green wetlands swamps and lowlands. This section is designated "moderate" but they are not overstating the ups and down with their loopy symbol. One minute you'd be looking down, down at the low area below, then the next you are down there looking up. As the sun was mostly overhead and the trees mostly blocking the bulk of the wind we ended up with cold weather jackets in our packs and much modifying of other layers. It really was a beautiful day for a hike and a beautiful area. We did run across, or I should say "very carefully skirted" a few wet sections but got by with only minor wet feet. The bogs were wet and well thawed now.
At the junction area of the central S1-B (red and gold) and S2-D southern (green and blue) trails we headed into new territory onto Skating Loop 2. We were surprised to meet a bicyclist since this isn't much of a biking trail with the steep and very sandy hills. But she said she had skied the area so was familiar with it, and she walked the steepest grades. Even the central area isn't for casual walkers but this farthest section has a "most difficult" jaggy peaked up/down sign, and the various hills have names such as Yahoo!, Holy Wah!, High Rise, Coronary Climb. And they aren't exaggerating! The ridges are high and the wetlands low, and wet, and beautiful. We refrained from taking more photos of the bogs (see Days River hikes) but did try to take one looking down into the lowlands from a ridge, but it is hard to get the scale in a photo. The best thing is for you to walk it and see for yourself. Well worth it! The bicyclist had gone on ahead of us but soon we met her coming back. She said there was a wet part up ahead that she didn't think she could ride her bike through but maybe we could find a way around. And sure enough, a short ways ahead we found ourselves at the top of a steep sandy slope down to a nice little pond at the bottom, with generous wet bogs on either side. Definitely a "wet" patch. Mmmm. Well, we'd traversed wetlands before so down we went, heels dug into the soft sand, to where the trail disappeared into the water. It didn't look too promising, wet bog moss as far as we could see, but maybe some of those hummocks and bumps in the bog were solid. I went first (Steve's big on sending the light-weight canary first). Nope, not solid. That one either. There's a tree mound - very slippery, and wet. So I continued, stepping carefully, looking for possible dry footing though my feet were definitely not dry by now, going for the shallowest wet, hanging on to the small conifers trying not to slip into something deeper. I made it to the other side to find Steve still at beginning, doing something. He was teetering on a high (relatively speaking) mound taking off his shoes and socks. Then he made his way around barefoot on (or rather, in) the squishy carpet of beautiful moss. This worked pretty good until the end when what looked like a shallow area almost to the dry trail turned out to be a calf deep bog moss covered little pond. Oh well. So he ended up with his dry shoes and socks that he was carrying but very wet pants and long-johns. I had wet shoes and socks but dry pants, being a bit luckier in my choices of foot-falls. The trail went up from there on dry land so we laughed, I took off my shoes and socks and joined Steve walking barefoot for awhile, enjoying the warm soft sand and pine needle covered path as our feet dried. Then taking a break in the sun Steve put his shoes and socks back on and I went sockless in my wet shoes for awhile so the footbeds could dry a bit before putting on dry socks (we both carry dry socks in our packs), hanging my wet wool socks on the back of my pack. We were glad the weather was mild, and grateful neither of us had fallen full in the bog. We decided next time the time-honored solution for crossing creeks and streams of taking socks off, shoes on, pants rolled up would work better. And we appreciated quick drying synthetic hiking clothes and shoes. We were sorry we hadn't taken a photo of that scenic spot but we weren't going back to do so. On around S2 we went, or rather up and down we went. It felt good to be out doing something we enjoy and feeling good physically. There came on one bog spot that the trail workers had dug the ground from beside the path, piling it on and raising the trail above water level and on top of a culvert. It was rough and messy yet but very much appreciated. It's not easy to turn a ski trail into a non-snow hiking path through this terrain and we're happy they are doing so. It's such a great place to walk. After the steep hills of the southern part, then the moderate (relatively speaking) central section, we were back to the Easy A Loop, enjoying the wind-down walk. The sun was going lower and the temperature falling a bit but the wind had been wonderfully moderate on the ground amongst the trees. We especially noticed the plentiful Wintergreen ground cover here, seen throughout the entire area, the smooth leaves shining so bright among the dried pine needles and leaves. It was an eight and half mile walk, more vertical than horizontal, and a thoroughly enjoyable less than 4 hour hike. And we still have D Loop to look forward to, once it has dried out some.
One more thing that makes this a special ski and hiking trail system is the absence of logging. The area is full of impressive large conifers and the lack of logging has allowed the area to settle into a healthy and natural setting. I don't know the history of the area, when the Ski Trail was established or how long it has been since it was logged but it has been awhile. It sure would be nice if the DNR would follow this example at Days River. Meantime, we're happy for what is offered there but doubly impressed with the Forest Service leaving this area free to be while maintaining the trails. December 15, 2020 -- A New Day, A New Trail It just keeps happening - another good day to go
for a hike. A little colder than the last one but not too much, 23 to
begin with and calm, partly sunny (hurray!) and it warmed up a few
degrees later on. No new snow. Might as well check out another ski
trail. This
The Loop B we took (the gold one) is almost entirely in conifer forest - Red Pine, Balsam Fir, Hemlock, some Spruce, occasional Cedar. Designated "moderate difficulty" for skiing it makes its way, with appropriate ups and downs, along an surprisingly high, then very high, ridge. One certainly wouldn't want to accidentally ski off the trail down the sides (which isn't likely considering the generous number of trees). The trail does head on down to the low bogs/swamps now and then, but mostly it's high above on a beautifully maintained (by those ever busy volunteers) pine needle strewn trail, looking down on (now frozen) wetlands. There are sections along old and current two-tracks but that just makes for a nice change for side-by-side walking.
The one issue we're still challenged by is keeping our hands warm. We're still working on a good layering system. One that will keep those important fingers happy yet allow some dexterity. In cold temperatures one isn't very inclined to pull hands out of cozy cocoons for even quick chores. But with each trip we come back with ideas -- gives us something to work on during the non-hiking days! Fine-tuning the gear seems to be a big part of the fun. * * * * * * Copyright
© Susan Robishaw and Stephen Schmeck |
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* Should you want to use all or part of one of our articles in a non-profit publication, website or blog we simply ask that you give proper credit and link (such as "article by Sue Robishaw/Steve Schmeck from www.ManyTracks.com"), and we'd enjoy knowing where it is used. Thanks! We always appreciate links to our site www.ManyTracks.com from appropriate sites, and we thank you for recommending us! |
Have you read "Frost Dancing - Tips from a Northern Gardener"? A fun short read. or "Homesteading Adventures" Creating our backwoods homestead--the first 20 years.
Berries for Food and Fun"
A journey you can use in your own garden. |