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Blueberries |
The ManyTracks Orchard Discovery Apple
England ~1900
Grafted 2019 ~~ #1 on seedling rootstock (inside)
#2 on branch(es) of Lilli wild tree (outside) First Apple 2022
Akero |
Hoholik |
" Medium-large fruit, excellent flavor, resists scab, mid August, not a keeper. Hardy compact tree semi dwarf, flowers frost resistance." 2024 - #1 (inside) - Took off three bottom branches in March pruning; not much else. #2 (on Lilli) - Grafted another scion, think this may be enough. Will start cutting back to growing grafts as they get larger. Did quite a bit summer pruning opening up around grafts. 2023 - #1 (inside) - Looking good, reasonable new growth, ~5'^. #2 (outside on Lilli) - Four more grafts toward turning north half of tree into Discovery (south half Zestar). All took with short growth (considering where the grafts are I was happy with that. Earlier grafts doing fine. Pruned out more original tree and removed all Cowgate. 9/12 noticed a badly split, overripe fruit on tree. Six others had minor to moderate splits so picked all. Need to catch these earlier. Ate last one 9/18 - crisp and flavorful in spite of splits, flesh tinged with red which was quite pretty. Can't have too many of this variety! 2022 - #1 (inside) - Doing fine, light growth. #2 (outside on Lilli) - End of May I grafted two more branches onto the core tree (one scion from an adjacent graft, 2nd from tree inside). Both took and grew well, one putting on 4" of growth, the other 12". I'll graft more next year, turning this part of the wild tree into a Discovery. The original plan was for it to be 1/3 of the tree but with the first grafts of Cowgate fruiting this year and turning to rot mid-summer I'll be removing all of those grafts and expanding Discovery to half the tree (the other half going to Zestar). All of the Discovery grafts are growing fine and healthy, especially with removing more of the base tree branches to give them more light and room. It was a great happy surprise to find blossoms on the first Discovery graft and subsequently FOUR apples!! Ate as they dropped, from end of August to Sept. 8. They are every bit as delicious as reported, maybe even topping Goodland. We thoroughly enjoyed each one. Firm, juicy, tasty, flavor filled. So glad we have a full tree graft of this one inside the main orchard. See photo of apple at top of page. 2021 - #1 - moderate growth. #2 - good, cleared around grafts, tied down more horizontal. Direct cut graft didn't take. 2020 - #1 - good, healthy, sturdy, ~3'^. #2 - Original good. Grafted another, grew fine. Not large enough to cut scion to add another. Maybe next year. 2019 - Grafted end May onto small a15 seedling (inside orchard), se of Tater, @~12". (previously PommeGris grafted to this seedling but PG winterkilled '17-'18). Moderate growth 5" top, 4" side, 3 buds leafed. #2 grafted onto nw branch of Lilli (in front of shop). Good 6" growth and 3 buds leafed. When larger, cut scions to graft nearby. Online Notes: (ursula, north53) Recommends. ripe Sept 10. (derek) Great fresh flavor that stays crisp longer than most early apples. Very different sweet flavor, hard to describe. (ubro can z2) Ate my Discovery apple today and it was incredible. Crisp, very juicy, and with a nice balance of sweet and sour. The flavour was at first bite like a pear, but then the tuti fruity kicked in. To date, hands down, the best apple I have ever grown. (ARS-GRIN) med-lg, exc flavor, resist scab, mid Aug, not keeper. Hardy compact tree semi dwarf, flowers frost resistance. Susc FB. (other) T2 vigor. Originally called Thurston August. |
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